Questions & Answers

This chapter contains varios bits of information that did not fit anywhere but seem worthwile to be retained somewhere.

ODK Aggregate database settings

The ODK Aggregate database settings are stored in the file ODKAggregate-settings.jar that can be found in the subdirectory WEB-INF/lib of the webapps/ODKAggregate directory (e.g. under debian this directory itself is located at /bar/lib/tomcat6). The .jar file (which has the same file format as a .zip file) contains a file called that stores the MySQL connection settings.

You can open this file to look up the database connection parameters (in case you have lost the original create_db_and_user.sql that was created during the ODK Aggregate installation), or modify it to use the same ODK Aggregate instance to access a different database (e.g. for testing). The following example is for debian:

$ cd /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/ODKAggregate/WEB-INF/lib/
$ unzip -e ODKAggregate-settings.jar
Archive:  ODKAggregate-settings.jar
$ vim
$ zip -u ODKAggregate-settings.jar
updating: (deflated 31%)
$ /etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart
Stopping Tomcat servlet engine: tomcat6.
Starting Tomcat servlet engine: tomcat6.

If you want to change the file using Windows, just open the ODKAggregate-settings.jar file with 7-zip (or a similar programme), copy the file to a local directory, apply the necessary changes and then copy it back into the .jar file.

In order to change the super-user name, the server host name or the server ports for your ODK-Aggregate instance simply open the file and apply the necessary changes. The file can be found under ODKAggregate-settings.jar as well.